Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday night/Tuesday morning

Duncan told me to get lots of sleep -- funny that I had just started this blog. Lots of sleep means 8 hours.

So I'm good again today -- no caffeine or alcohol (no nicotine is assumed).
Had my last water at 7pm. Had a pretty big dinner. 4 blocks +

One other thing to note -- I went to Crossfit at 5, so I did some evening exercise.

Watched TV from about 7:30-9, logged onto eq and chatted for a bit til 9:30, took a shower, and was in bed by 10. Read for not more than 10 minutes and was very tired, so went right to sleep.

Definitely had a big dream (but can't remember it), woke up at 3:40am, used the bathroom, then went back to sleep and woke to the alarm at 6:30. When I woke up, I looked west through the frosted glass window in the bathroom to get some sunlight. Don't know if that counts or not.

Big question -- did I wake up because I had to use the bathroom, or did I wake up for some other reason and get up to use the bathroom out of habit. Tough to know.

But overall I consider this a successful sleep night.

Monday morning, day 1 of the Sleep blog

I followed my plan - TV off at 9:40, in bed by 10 or a few min past. Read the Primal Blueprint for a while, and then a Spenser for Hire book. When my eyes felt like it was hard to keep them open (I think around 10:30), I put the kindle down and went to sleep (I think) pretty quickly.

If I remember correctly, I woke up between 1 and 2, and went to the bathroom. Then I think got back to sleep pretty quickly. Then woke up at 4:51 and had to pee. Then woke up at 6:19, 10 min before my alarm.

Not much sun out this morning, so looked out the window a little, and now I am staring at a bright computer screen while writing this entry. :(

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday night, preparing for sleep

No caffeine, alcohol or nicotine today.
I did eat carbs in the morning, and early afternoon.
It's about 7:30 and we just finished dinner and I drank a big glass of water. Done with water for tonight I'm going to go downstairs in a few minutes to watch TV for an hour or two. But will plan to be done by 9:30, and head to bed. Read til 10, and then try to sleep.

I woke up to the alarm this morning at 6:30, but had a couple short naps (less than an hour, maybe as little as 20 min) throughout the day. So hopefully the early wakeup will serve to get me to sleep on time tonight.


I've been working on my body for almost 8 months now. Eating better (paleo), working out 5-6 days/week (crossfit plus running), and I have found that I've lost a bunch of weight (42 lbs so far), but I am still tired a lot. I almost never drink caffeine, don't smoke, have cut way back on alcohol, but I still don't feel rested regularly.

So, I read some sleep hygiene websites, and am going to try to implement some of those techniques.
1) I've resolved to get up at the same time every morning. 6:30, so I can get to the crossfit 7am class. The last couple mornings, I have actually awakened before then.
2) I'm gonna try to get to bed at the same time every night, between 9:30-10pm. This is when I usually go to sleep, but I will be more diligent about it.
3) When awakening, look towards the sun for 15 minutes. This apparently resets your internal clock. That will be hard, as there's not much sun in Seattle, but will try to do it some days.
4) Don't watch TV in bed (on the iPad). I will leave the iPad in the other room, and will turn it off by 9:30 each night.
5) I will try not to drink anything after about 8pm. This should help me not wake up in the middle of the night having to pee.

And I'll try to keep a log here on how it goes each night.